Literacy, mathematics, art, music, science, STEM
Grade Levels
Year 5 and 6
Resource Type
10 week Lesson Plans, picture book study, coloured lesson activities
File Type
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Product Description
This pack includes a creative and fun, 10 week picture book study based on the wonderfully Australian book ‘Funky Chicken: Chooks in Space, written by Chris Collin and illustrated by Megan Kitchin. Lessons plans are linked to the Australian, NSW and Victorian curriculum with all outcomes included. It includes two fun and exciting child-centred STEM activities and all blackline masters needed for the lessons.
Each lesson includes alphabetised appendices to use. Print and place in your class program ready to teach and simply sign and date for teacher registration purposes.
What’s Included – Fun Tasks and Activities to Print
Some lessons require preparation such as printing and laminating. Minimal craft materials are needed. The materials used are materials that can be found in most schools.
Please remember that this purchase is intended for use in one classroom. If you intend on sharing with your colleagues please purchase additional licences. Thankyou.
© Funkybooks 2023. All rights reserved.
Need a copy of the wonderful book ‘Funky Chicken: Chooks in Space’? Visit:
www.funkybooks.com.au for purchases.
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