Author On Wheels
Chris Collin is the author on wheels. Visiting schools Australia-wide!

He is available for travel all over Australia in his chook-mobile, and performs internationally, with his fun and funky shows and workshops.
Chris has a range of awesome Live Virtual Visits for schools, preschools/long daycare and public libraries/events/festivals.

Author Visits
Chris has a range of awesome incursions and live author visit options for schools, preschools/long daycare and public libraries/events/festivals .
Click on the heading for your preferred booking option. Whether you are a school, early learning centre, library, festival or public event, Chris has a show or workshop for you.
BOOK A VISIT – It’s easy to book using one of the following options:
1. Contact us at Funkybooks if you would prefer to book directly with us.
- Chris’ Fun and Funky Author Incursions are adapted to suit all primary levels, Chris will share how we get inspiration for stories, taking the students on a fun and immersive journey of the joy of story through one of his own picture books, culminating in an art activity where the students will start their very own creative project – just for the fun of it!
- Chris has a range of fantastically funky workshops too. The Chapter Challenge is an awesome workshop for students of all writing abilities, (yes, even reluctant writers!) Chris also facilitates more intensive ‘masterclass’ Workshops for keen writers in groups of up to 30. More info on these workshops can be provided on request – Contact Us.
- Live Virtual Visits for Primary Schools – When logistical costs or other factors prevent an author incursion, a live virtual visit can be a great option, without missing out on all the ingredients of an incursion. One of the great aspects of the virtual visit is that Chris can present to up to 100 computers, so multiple classes can be accessed and families can access the event from home if students are away – no-one needs to miss out!
Preschools/Early Learning Centres
1. Incursion
Chris is a firm believer in play-based learning and performs Fun and Funky Storytime shows for preschools, involving live narration to an audio-visual slideshow of his books, puppets, singing and dancing and dress-up. The show finishes with an art activity. Children will join one of Chris’ puppet friends, using basic shapes to draw a character from the story!
2. Live Virtual Story-time
If logistics and/or cost is an issue with an incursion, Chris performs a Live Virtual Storytime with all the elements of an incursion!
Public Events (libraries, community events, festivals etc)
One of the most important things when performing in libraries and community events is to cater for the wide age range that attend these events, in such a way that everyone is involved and included. Chris’ public shows are designed for the whole family, regardless of age – promoting his philosophy of encouraging children (and their adults) to read for the joy of reading!

our books
Order your copy here
All of our books come with an incredible digital package of the narrated story to a full orchestral backing score plus a song, all performed by the author.